Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Exchange ? !

In this age of ever spiraling prices,there is the supposed comfort provided by exchange offers ! Supposed, as I have serious doubts, about the new version, which we get for the older ones .But, then, we can only learn about the flaws in the product provided, we are willing & do indulge in the exchange.

The exchange offer is generally like this : the shopkeeper will allow us to exchange that particular product ( namely refreigerator,television,washing machine,mixer etc ) with the new similar product on display at his shop.There are many pre-conditions like the older gadget has to be in working condition,it must not be broken, sometimes must be of same brand  ,etc .In addition to handing over the antique piece,we also have to shell out cash for the new item as the exchange is only a part value for the newer model.Many times,the ancient goods have nothing more than scrap value for retailers .I recall having gone for buying a new mixer .I had taken my old mixer for exchange as space is a big constraint in my matchbox- home.I requested the shopkeeper to check the old mixer so that he is convinced that it was in working condition but he just brushed it aside.He gave me an offer which was less than one tenth of what I shelled out for the new mixer .I realised that bargaining was futile as my old mixer had no value for him except junk.So,one ends up reviving the economy when one goes in for an exchange ! The buyer on the contrary is under an impression that he has made a killing by exchanging !

We do get newer versions of goods in exchange but not necessarily better ones ! Moreover, the life span of newer products is quite less compared to older ones.Just goes to show that old was gold ! Sometimes,we tend to buy goods just because they are available on exchange of old goods though we are sure that we will rarely use the goods brought.This is quite true of an iron,as all clothes are generally handed over to the dhobi for ironing as we neither have time nor the inclination to press our clothes.Similarly,the oven though purchased will lie unused as Indian dishes do not need baking.

Nowadays,some malls are exchanging  old stacks of newspapers or raddi & other old stuff called kabbada for any other new goods.Public generally rush with their raddi & other junk for such swapping as homes are too cluttered with goods.But ,in the process pockets get more spacious than homes as new goods come to occupy freed space !

One of my acquaintance had given birth to a daughter .She has a four year old son as well.The son wanted a baby brother & so he asked his mom ," When we go to mall,we will  swap  the baby girl for a baby boy . "

I am sure, not just kids,but even people like us wish that there were exchange offers for spouses,siblings,relatives,friends,servants,drivers,etal .But will that solve our relationship problems ? I am quite unsure about that.But maybe, we will learn more about ourselves by exchanging our near & dear ones.We will get certain about  our likes & dislikes.Moreover,the exchange may teach us the lesson that " a known devil is better than an unknown saint ."

So,it is better to use the gadgets till it gets totally useless & then exchange it as scrap.Otherwise we may land up with things which will not even  be worth the  junk which we swapped it for !

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